About RacerManager

RacerManager has been developed by STS (Software Systems Institute) at the Hamburg University of Science and Technology. Inspired by the paper "OWL-QL - A Language for Deductive Query Answering on the Semantic Web" first ideas for the implementation of query anwering dialoges and caching has been investigated by Tejas Doshi and Jog Ratna Maharjan during their project work. The Translator component has been developed by Jan Galinski during his master thesis.

Later on the software has been completely reenginered, tested and documented by Atila Kaya.

The Team

The following is a list of developers that have directly contributed to the project in one way or another.

Atila Kaya
Jan Galinski


Parts of the "former" Racer Proxy that deal with the communication with RACER are reused in RacerManager. Racer Proxy has been developed by Christian Finckler during his project work at the University of Applied Sciences fhWedel.

Below is a list of some frameworks used to develop and document RacerManager and OwlQlWebapp:

  • Eclipse
  • Tomcat
  • Axis
  • XMLBeans
  • Struts
  • Maven